Monday, March 2, 2009

Christmas in February!

Gotta love consignment sales! Friday night was the opening of one of my favorite kids consignment sales, mom vh and I went over to stock up on goodies. In the pic you can see all of her new toys that she got: Lil People Castle and Farm, Cleaning Trolley (behind her) and a brand new Barbie ATV! Plus I found her a few cute new outfits for the upcoming warmer months, just need to pick her up some shorts as the need progresses.

She's tried to ride the ATV a couple of times but is not really sure about it yet. I have put it up in the garage for the time being and when it starts to get warmer we'll try it out again. I was wanting to get her a car for her birthday but this works just as well and WAY less expensive!

Saturday I took her to buy new shoes. We got a regular pair and a "squeaker" pair. If you check out the 19month album you can see the new squeakers! Sunday she got a new doll from her Papa and Gramma Stella, it coo's and turns it head and waves. She loves to carry it around and call it bb so I think we may name her BeeBee so she has an easy time saying its name. I'll post pix of her and the doll soon!

We have a couple of new words in our vocabulary this week! Gran= Graaa, Papa= Papa (imagine that...), Boo Boo, Horse, Bubbles= bubbulls or bubbies and pop corn= caw corn. She takes out the photo albums I have in our bedroom and will point at pictures of my mom and dad and can finally tell me Graaa and Papa! She got mad at David Saturday night for trying to feed her Grapes when she was telling him she wanted her Gran. Then yesterday right before nap time we were playing with bubbles and when I told her they needed a nap too I swear she screamed BUT MY BUBBLES!!! as I was picking her up to take her back to her room.

OI!! I can tell the "terrific" two's are just around the corner! She refused to eat dinner til almost 930pm last night but I couldn't let her go to bed hungry so I had to give in on that one. But if it happens again, we'll be curbing that behavior quickly!

It's too cold to play outdoors today so we've been holed up in the living room playing with all of our Little People. Now that she has the Castle and Farm we have a whole little community! I can't wait til she can really start make believe play and we can have "field trips" from her city to the farm and that kind of thing!

Time to get ready for the repair guy to come fix my ceiling fan AGAIN! Gotta wake up the tot a little early but at least she's gotten in most of her nap. Here's hoping for a warmer rest of the week!

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