Sunday, March 20, 2011

Creepy Crawlers

I had to start off with this picture since its gotten such rave reviews from everyone! At the beginning of the month I took my freshly revived Buggs (after much sickness) to Target and decided to try out one of their multi-kid buggies. This was as we were packing up the car to head home. Both kids ADORED this cart, Jax loved the freedom of seeing everything and getting to sit instead of being carried everywhere. Honestly...he's probably a smidge small for this luxury but we took it slow and easy for this very short outing. Gotta love that expression on his face though!!

Here is my big Bugg getting ready to head off to her FIRST tumbling class at PSC. Its hard to believe my little girl is old enough to start taking any type of class!! The course is 8wks long, only one day a week for an hour. She's been to two so far and is in LOVE with it! They start out running a couple of laps, then stretch, then tumble through the obstacle course, then play in the "rainbow room" (uneven bars for toddlers, and if you are unfamiliar with this term, they are the bars that one is taller than the other and they "flip" between them), then some structured bouncy time on the trampoline, and then last but not least they get thrown in the sponge pit for some wind down time. There's 5 little girls in her class, of them I'm sorry to say Freyja is the least experienced with this stuff but she is catching on quickly! By the end of the second class she was turning somersaults on her own with the greatest of 3yr old ease (meaning like a lethally drunk adult!). I can't wait to see what she will be capable of at the end of the eight weeks! We definitely plan on signing her up again for the summer either for the same class or for a dance class...just depends on what her "grace" allows her to do.

In other news of the Big Bugg, last Wednesday after tumbling we went down to school where she will be attending VPK and got her all registered. We were able to meet the teachers, see the classroom and while I filled out paperwork Freyja got to go play with the other kids. She starts in August whenever regular school starts and this will prep her for Kindergarten, though from talking to the teacher, some of the learning material will just be a refresher from what she has learned at home already. Its good to know that we at least have her on the right path and she's not behind on learning! She will go 5days a week for 3.5hrs. You cannot even begin to imagine how excited this kid is to get started!!!

Ahhh...the Little Bugg...heaven help us all, he has begun to crawl!! He turned 7months on the 17th and just two days before he began the army crawl to go where ever he wants to. Standing in the kitchen this morning, he was looking longingly at the magazine rack and I couldn't help but think, in a short time I'm gonna walk in the kitchen and find him scaling that thing! Today daddy worked out in the yard for bit and Jax got to sit in front of an open window and watch and talk to him. Again, I can see him this time next year standing of those chubby legs, beating his sippy cup on the window and calling to da-da over and over again! In many ways he reminds me of Freyja as a babe but in other ways I see chaos and destruction just waiting to break free once he gets this crawling/walking task mastered! I knew life would never be the same after having one...but just as I get used to the new norm, here comes my little red headed Tasmanian devil to stir things up again!

In other news...I'm now back home full time with the kids. The 11th was my last day. I miss it...but its GREAT to be back home with my Buggs and getting back to a routine. David is still enjoying his job. He now goes in around 7-8am and gets home between 3-4pm, so he gets lots more daylight hours with the kids. That's all the news for this far! Love to you all!