Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 138

Man I'm glad to say today was boring compared to yesterday!! My friend that did the kids halloween pix came over today with her son (2months younger than Jax) and played with the kids while I painted the living room/dining room. It was Jax's first playdate where HE had a guest and Freyja was the "tag along". The kids did great for Lisa, they played well together and even shared a snack. Jax would hold out a chip for Zane, he'd take a bite then Jax would take it back and take a bite and continue til time for a new chip. After finishing the living room the kids and I went to Opa and Granmama's for the first swim of the season. David had a neighborhood association meeting and couldn't join us. Jax lasted all of about 5min in the pool til he started shivering. The water wasn't cold but it wasn't warm either. Freyja played for a good 30-45min before she started turning living room blue and I had to evict her from the pool. Tomorrow is grocery day with Gran, actually need to set the alarm! Fingers crossed Jax has another great night! He slept til 6am without crying for me then slept until 8am when I went in to him!! My bed is empty and my room is quiet but my heart is full knowing my babies are safe in their own beds dreaming sweet dreams.

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