Thursday, December 18, 2008

We've learned to brush our teeth!

So I've decided to start keeping a blog of what's new in our lil ones life so that anyone who wants to keep up can tune in and see what she's up to now. This way instead of just having pictures to rely on, you'll also have a blow by blow of some of her cuter moments.

We've been brushing our teeth in the evening as a family for a while now and just recently Freyja has really started getting into it. We taped a video of her this evening to show her enthusiam. As soon as you say "are you ready to go brusha brusha?" she's off down the hallway and jumping at the babygate to our bedroom waiting to get into the bathroom. She runs across the room, grabs her little step stool (mine from my own childhood) and climbs up to start brushing. I've started singing a little tune to her as she does it...I think its from "Grease" or maybe Ren and Stimpy...don't really remember... But as soon as the video loads on YouTube I'll link it up on here so all can see.

Our love to you all! I hope you'll tune in and keep up with our little "bug's" life.

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