Baby Bugg's first trip to the beach! A year ago mothers day I remember sitting on the beach looking out at the water praying that the recent oil spill wouldn't reach us so that my children could grow up enjoying the beach as they rightly should. This year on mothers day I was blessed by being able to take my son to the beach for his first time and actually let him play in the water because our beaches were spared the major blow. We might not have the beautiful white sand anymore but at least we have an almost spotless Gulf to still enjoy. Needless to say, Jax LOVED the water and getting to play in a float. Freyja, of course, is a beach bugg from birth! Plus having her friends out there to play with made the trip perfect for her.
My birthday present this year :) I can't even tell you when the last time was that I actually celebrated my birthday with my father! This was dad's first visit that he was able to stay more than 3-4days. Surprisingly after 10days we were still going strong and hadn't had one of our famous father/daughter brawls and having to call mommy for help. Freyja loved having Papa here! On his last night here, she got to stay up waaaaaay past her bedtime and help him work on his final project in the garage. Every morning since...when's Papa coming back?? As for Jax, he's found his favorite grandparent! The only other person he fawns over that much is me, so apparently the kid liked him "just a little"!
I managed to squeeze in a little "me" time this month as well. My friend LaTatious came home this month for her annual visit and the four of us that have been friends (forever) for almost 20yrs now got together and sealed our friendship with an ever lasting mark. We each got a tattoo of 5 music notes in the shape of a star with a burst of color on four sides, each color representing one of us. L-R, Wendy/wrist/red, Me/shoulder/orange, LaTatious/foot/blue, DJ/hip/green. Now, no matter what happens in life, good or bad, we can just look at our tattoo and remember that besides family, we have three other people that love us unconditionally and will back us no matter what! Mom always told me "you NEED girlfriends", I now understand what she meant by that and yes, I NEED these girls in my life!
My lil tumbler started back to class this past week. Papa was here for her first class of the semester. She is now taking it twice a week, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Its nice because now she has two teachers she has to learn to mind. This will help when she starts Pre-K this year and has to listen to her teacher. David attended his first class with her this past Saturday, you could see pride just pouring out of him over the fact HIS little girl was out there doing all these neat tumbles and behaving so well!! I look forward to the day Jax can join her out on the mat!
Is there anything this kid won't eat?!?! I look through the pictures dad took while he was here and most of them are of Jax eating something! Pizza...jerky...beignets...fudge cicles...graham name it, the kid has learned he enjoys eating and there's nothing he won't try! Though nothing says love like the look of pure bliss as he's devouring my fudge cicle!
The return trip to New Orleans to take dad back to the airport an adventure! It broke my mama heart to leave my big bugg home with her daddy and take just my baby bugg with me but a good time was had by all!! While we were pounding the pavement of the French Quarter, Freyja and daddy had a blast playing in the yard, going out to Arby's for dinner and building a lego house! It appears Jax has the travel gene in him as well. He took to the road like a pro, napped most of the drive or just played quietly. He dawned his hat, pitched foward in his stroller and took in all the sites of New Orleans. Stretched his legs at the famous Cafe Dumonde and ate his first beignet (French donut). When he got tired he laid back and napped in the cool breeze. He cruised circles around Papa and I that night in the motel room...Jaxon 500!!He slept between his Papa and me in the motel and then sawed logs all the way home the next morning. I've had many mama/big bugg adventures that I treasure, now I have a mama/baby bugg adventure to add to my memories as well :)
So, sorry for the delay in blogging this month. I think you can tell I've had another full month of fun and adventure with my Buggs! Now its time to head off to the airport, collect the in laws and rid myself of my extra dog (for a couple of weeks anyway...)! Love to you all!